A hopeful try.

I have always thought writing a blog is suitable only for people with great thoughts and knowledge. So i stopped myself from giving an attempt though i created a blog for myself. We generally develop our confidence based on other people's views and beliefs on us. And that is the main reason why we don't do many things we wish to do fearing failure. Failure and criticism stopped me from doing many such things in life. But now i have understood that writing a blog helps us to express our thoughts and imaginations no matter how dull it may sound without caring about the response. Though I appear to be a strong and confident person I always had the fear of expressing my true self (the emotional part of me) to anyone. People call it ego or ignorance. But i have no names for it other than calling it the fear of being misunderstood. Publicizing my thoughts have always given me shivers. But the entry into college life and all these experience which i faced these three years made me understand that being independent is not being stern and inexpressive but to let my mind out with all the guts. Here I am with all my heart, trying to correct my mistakes. Hope i don't go wrong. :)


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