Feminism - The new trend
I really wanted to write in this topic for a long time because while writing something, no one objects you or talks inbetween. :p You are at ease to finish expressing everything and then give it to people. Thats much better than two people talking at the same time just like the debates in news channels these days!! This is not a post about delhi rape or how men should learn how to treat women. There are hundreds of articles about it. I have talked all my life about it and there is nothing new to be told. So please read those articles to get a clear idea. Here it starts : One of the hot topics these days is Feminism!! Or to put it lightly, Women empowerment. Why I call it hot is because, if you are a feminist, then you are the trendy bold girl of this generation!! (or we say "bharathi kanda pudhumai penn"). It has become a trend with women to project themselves as feminists just like men calling themselves Thala fan( If he is a good person, give him a nobel prize...